The Basement, Nashville - Kyle Numann

Venue Illustrations

An ongoing project over the last few years has been creating illustrations of some of the local venues in Nashville. Usually associated with a poster design for a show, this series has given me a chance to re-imagine some of the most storied live music venues in Nashville with alternate locations, radical situations, and stylized presentation. I look forward to doing many more.

The Basement, Nashville TN

This poster was made for a Crack Mammoth show, 2016

5 Spot v3 - art

The 5 Spot, East Nashville TN

This poster was made for a Crack Mammoth show

The End, Nashville - Kyle Numann

The End, Nashville TN

A long-standing Nashville venue on Elliston Place that helped give Rock Block it’s name, The End is being engulfed in the unending construction of Nashville’s new skyline. Created for a show with Cloudmouth, Crack Mammoth, Altered Statesman & Lone Official

Springwater, Nashville - Kyle Numann

The Springwater, Nashville TN

Re-imaging of Nashville’s most iconic dive bar into a secluded cabin under a star-splattered sky.

Cloudmouth 2017-4-12 Charlie Bobs - no text

Crack Mammoth - Tower Defense v02